Radio Recap – 17 September 2023

If you tuned in today looking for The Michael Ball Show, you’ll be disappointed. Michael DOES weigh in with his signature “Hello, my lovelies” when he’s introduced by co-host Scott. And he takes a bit of good-hearted teasing for “not having gotten the memo about dressing in glitter.” There’s a great deal of joking between the four, with Michael’s magnificent giggle on display at times. They talk over each other quite a bit, so it’s hard to distinguish Michael’s voice from the others. And Scott Owens definitely takes the lead with this grouping of hosts. Since Michael Ball has never been a celebrity to push his way to the front in order to hog the spotlight, he graciously takes a bit of a back seat to the others.
At one point, Michael confesses they all went to the bar last night, and he nails Scott for admitting he hates musicals. Apparently, Scott’s partner was a bit starstruck by the presence of Michael Ball! They then play Michael’s “You Can’t Stop The Beat” from HAIRSPRAY, which is a fitting tribute to the man who usually dominates the airwaves at this time every Sunday morning. Apparently Michael was up dancing throughout the song. I wouldn’t expect anything less of him. Go, Michael!
Michael and Sara Cox take the stage and introduce today’s opening group – Simply Red – and kick off the 2nd day of Live In The Park. I’ve tuned into this concert in the park off and on over the weekend, and I must admit that the UK does festivals like this one BETTER than anyone else. Kudos to all involved.
Michael was scheduled for an additional hour on the air, and the promo was an interview with Mich Hucknell of Simply Red. However, Hucknell was only on for a few minutes, and he was interviewed by all. I had to smile, however, when it was Michael who asked the important, the most pertinent questions, a tribute to his gift as an interviewer. The BBC is so lucky to have this man.
There are many adjectives that can be applied to Michael Ball. Talented. Hilarious. Intelligent. Handsome. Cheeky. Today the word ‘gregarious’ comes to mind. Definition: Fond of company; sociable. On the air in Victoria Park, Michael is his most gregarious self when given the opportunity. He LOVES people, loves their company and loves to make them laugh. I’m sure he’s enjoyed himself immensely. If there’s one thing we’ve learned about Michael Ball it’s that he knows how to have a good time! A side note – No, Michael isn’t dressed in glitter, which is okay with me. Instead, he’s wearing his usual Sunday morning ‘casuals.’ It’s nice to know some things never change, no matter where his microphone takes him.
The Michael Ball Show returns next Sunday, featuring something near and dear to Michael’s heart: Children In Need. Until then, dear friends …
*CopyrightDeborahFezelle2023* This material is the exclusive property of Deborah Fezelle, Michael Ball & the MBFC.